10 Journal Prompts for a Burnt-out Teacher

10 Journal Prompts for a Burnt-out Teacher

Reflection and journaling can be effective tools to help when feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out. I know this to be true because I literally wrote and published a book with my reflections and the process of writing and reflection changed my life beyond words!








Here are a few ways they can be helpful:

  1. Identify sources of stress: Reflection and journaling can help identify sources of stress and overwhelm. By reflecting on your experiences and writing about them, you may be able to identify patterns and triggers that contribute to your stress.

  2. Develop a plan of action: Reflection and journaling can help you develop a plan of action to address sources of stress. By writing down your thoughts and feelings, you may be able to see more clearly what steps you need to take to reduce your stress.

  3. Process emotions: Reflection and journaling can help you process difficult emotions that may be contributing to your stress. By writing about your emotions, you may be able to gain greater clarity and perspective on them, which can help reduce their intensity.

  4. Promote self-awareness: Reflection and journaling can help promote self-awareness, which is an important tool for managing stress and burnout. By reflecting on your experiences and writing about them, you may be able to gain a better understanding of your strengths, limitations, and needs.

  5. Enhance problem-solving skills: Reflection and journaling can help enhance problem-solving skills. By writing about your challenges and brainstorming possible solutions, you may be able to come up with new and creative ways to address sources of stress.

Here are 10 Journaling Prompts

  1. What brings you joy in teaching? Think about moments that light you up or have made you feel fulfilled in your work.
  2. What are your values as a teacher? Take some time to reflect on what you stand for and what is important to you in your role.
  3. What are some signs that you are experiencing burnout? Reflect on the physical, emotional, and mental signs that you may be experiencing burnout.

  4. What self-care practices do you currently have in place? Are they working for you? Are there any additional practices that you could try to support your wellbeing?

  5. What boundaries do you need to set in your work and personal life to avoid burnout? Think about what you need to say no to, or what changes you need to make to your schedule or workload.

  6. What are some accomplishments that you are proud of as a teacher? Reflect on what you have achieved and what you have learned from those experiences.

  7. What are some challenges that you have faced as a teacher? Reflect on how you have grown and what you have learned from those experiences.

  8. Who are some people that support you in your work as a teacher? Think about your colleagues, mentors, or other support networks that you have in place.

  9. What is one small thing that you can do today to support your wellbeing as a teacher? Think about something that you can do for yourself, even if it is just for a few minutes.

  10. What are some goals that you have for yourself as a teacher? Think about what you want to achieve, both professionally and personally, and write down some actionable steps towards those goals.

I know it can be confronting when you start being honest with yourself, but it is this honesty and the new awareness of self that you are creating that will help you live a life you actually love living!


Aimee xxx

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