Feedback and Reviews

  • Working with Aimee has been career changing!

    "Teaching can be draining and overwhelming emotionally. I found myself worn out, unable to sleep and often on the verge of tears. Teaching was my passion but I felt close to giving up. I purchased Aimee’s book and began my journey of reflection,  self-awareness and self-care. When I heard that Aimee offered professional coaching, I approached my school management who supported me in undertaking a term of sessions with her. 

    I wanted to find ways that I could manage my emotions in the face of the stressful situations I was experiencing every day. As a New Entrant teacher, I had a number of children struggling to manage their own ‘big’ emotions and demonstrating severe behaviour difficulties.  I was desperate to find a way that I could remain ‘the calm in the storm’ rather than being continually exhausted and overwrought myself. 

  • Continued...

    Aimee helped me to drill down into the challenges I was facing at work, supported me to create focus and began reflecting on my practice in a way that has been career changing.

    Having regular meetings meant that I stayed on track with my personal goals and Aimee’s reassurance, validation, advice and kindness enabled me to be successful in changing my mindset and the way I approach my work.

    I whole-heartedly recommend Aimee’s book ‘Cracked Open’ and her coaching sessions to anyone desperate to protect their mental health while struggling with the challenges of teaching."

  • "Thank you!"

    "Coaching with Aimee has taught me how to gain self-empowerment to make better life changes and challenge myself to change my thinking into a positive thought process."

    - Kayla

  • "All I can say is thank you so much!"

    "Oh my goodness I've just finished your book. All I can say is thank you so much! I literally almost walked out midway through last term as I had a huge panic attack (at school). It was so embarrassing, I was literally crying in my principals office when I should have been in my classroom. I went home early that day and ordered your book. It's exactly what I needed at the time and my hope has been restored thanks to your words of wisdom. We need more people like you in this world. Thank you."

  • "Your book was just so bloody amazing...

    I am going to read it again - you really nailed it and I'm so pleased that someone has finally spoken out loud about how full on teaching is!! There was a lot of me in your words, so I found it easy to relate to what you were saying"

    - Jody

  • "I am loving it!!

    It's the perfect time to read it, and you're speaking to my soul! Thank you so much for being so generous with your time, energy and insight. This is a very needed story and I feel blessed to be reading it"

  • "I feel like you're writing about me...

    So many of us have the same experiences and need help navigating forwards. I have recommended this book to the beginning teacher I am mentoring."

  • "I've just finished your book and WOW!

    I have never related to someone else's writing as well as I could relate to yours.

    There were so many moments of realisation I had while reading. 'Masquerading Burnout' and 'The Cost of Caring' were particularly relevant chapters for me.

    As a result of reading your book, I will be putting several actions into place which are long overdue so that I can start being more authentic to my true self. Thanks again Aimee for such a great and impacting read.

    - Rebekah

  • "What an honour and a pleasure to read.

    It takes a lot of courage to self-reflect, let alone share that self-reflection with others. Aimee's book is a courageous and powerful insight into the world of a heartfelt human and educator. Both emotional and inspiring, it is impossible not to consider yourself Aimee's friend after immersing yourself within her story as she tells it with such humour, honesty and sincerity. What an honour and a pleasure to read."

    Sara Warnock

    Educational Researcher: Teacher Burnout

  • "Thought provoking and challenging"

    "I wanted to let you know that I have recently worked through the reflective questions at the back of your book. I’m a person who communicates best through writing and enjoys self reflection so this suited me really well! I found your questions very thought provoking and challenging and some of them were things I had never considered before but found extremely relevant to my situation. I’d love to send you a copy of my reflections so you can see how much this helped me and as you were SOOO much more helpful than a counselor I saw recently."

  • "Read 104 pages of your book. Couldn't put it down!

    You're amazingly strong and inspiring. I love your sense of humour. The piece you wrote about us was awesome. Thank you.

  • "I finished your book...

    You're a really good writer, it was really absorbing. Last week I wrote down some things I deserve and put it next to my desk, it's helping me manage the anxiety I feel about my job."

  • "So friggen loving your book!!

    You are amazing! had to finish my 600 pager by an international author and yours far supersedes in engagement. So proud of you and thanks for the lovely mesage in the front. Started reading it today xx"

  • "Your experiences spoke to me... a girl, as a woman, as a Pākehā, and as a teacher. And as a woman who has struggled with fertility. If I was a mum it would speak to that too. I'm so proud of you for speaking on behalf of all of us! This is just the beginning and I believe that transformation of teaching culture is coming!"

  • "Just wanted to say...

    I have started your book and am absolutely blown away with it. I feel so many connections with your thoughts and feelings and cannot wait for the moments in my day when all the kids are in bed and I have a chance to read it in peace and quiet."

  • "I've already cried numerous times.

    I've started reading your book, only 30-odd pages so far, but I had to come back to you and say THANK YOU. I've already cried numerous times, I have laughed and you made me think. Thank you for your honesty, vulnerability, wisdom and courage. You are amazing!"

    - Sanja

  • "Sped read half of it last night! Well written, great read! I resonated with so many of your experiences."

  • "Oh my goodness. I've just finished your book. All I can say is, thank you so much! You literally spoke my language."

  • "I read it in a day.


    Loved it."

  • "I want you to know how appreciative I am of you sharing about your experience. It has definitely made me feel less alone. I'm so thankful for the quotes, support and messages you regularly share on the NZ Teachers Primary page and The Teacher's Lounge."

  • "I have not long finished your book also and again I enjoyed reading it so much (it made so much sense!!) and has made me look at things differently and be more reflective about areas that I don’t reflect on that often or at all. Again, I feel like I should reread it often."

  • "I am reading your book. My words! My thoughts! My life! How did you know?

    OMG. Seriously - I am in dire need of some help to get back to the happy woman I know I can be with the great love of my students and my gorgeous fiancé!!


    Do you do consultations?


    I am scared if I don't act now... I am going to lose myself, my life of teaching and most dream man!"

Cracked Open by Aimee Kovacevic

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