It's not just the workload causing teachers to burnout

It's not just the workload causing teachers to burnout

You wouldn't believe my shock when I realised how much I was contributing to my mad burnout cycles as a teacher…

Yes… the workload is heavy.

But when I found myself in a private school with a massive workload and TIME in my day to do it, I still went through the same freakin’ cycles.

It’s not just the workload…

Wanna know what it was for me…

  • having low self esteem
  • being a perfectionist
  • being a people pleaser
  • an inability to say no
  • compassion fatigue
  • having my self worth tied up with being a teacher (no identity other than a teacher)
  • inability to be self-compassionate
  • a fear of failure
  • not honouring my feelings and needs
  • not dealing with grief from my miscarriages
  • trying to do “it all”
  • running on auto-pilot
  • working while sick
  • no self-care or love for myself

Our job is freakin hard, yes it is! But we can’t just blame the workload and use this as an excuse to play the victim card. There is so much you have control over and when you tackle the hard stuff, the work load feels more manageable because we can be happy with what we have accomplished in a day, with the understanding that a teachers job is never done, and leave the rest for another day.

It took years of reflection to work this all out and I'm so proud that my story is helping hundreds of reconnect with the human being living inside the teacher. We all deserve to live a life we love and do a JOB we love too. Including you ❤️


All my love,

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